Thursday, April 29, 2010

7 1/2 months!

So here I am at 30 weeks and a few days! Yup.....belly.....

The beautiful bassinet from Grammy Paula!!!! LOVE IT! Can't wait to use it!!! It plays songs and "rocks" back and forth! So cool! Storage basket underneath! Awesome!

And of course Eric had to try it out on someone............Bella didn't seem to mind!!!!

So we had another Dr's appt on Thursday, so weird that I actually like going to the Dr now!!! LOL, but everything is great, my belly is measuring 31 weeks (I'll be 30 tomorrow) babies heartbeat is in the 130's and I gained 4 1/2 lbs. I start going to the Dr every 2 weeks now!! Getting closer and closer!!!! YAY!!!!

Also scheduled an appointment to meet with the lactation consultant, thinking that will be interesting and quite the learning experience. Eric will be joining me so I will definitely have extra support after baby is here! The more he knows the better!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

7 months down, 3 to go!

So the first picture I had to post just because it is SOO adorable! This is our new puppy Bella (who obviously thinks she is a little human), snuggled up with Eric at 6 am one morning when I got up to go pee! SO FUNNY!

The second picture is me at a little over 28 1/2 weeks pregnant! Time is flying by!!!

From today there is actually 79 days until my due date! Which, really means nothing I could go early I could go late but its something for me to keep track of! That is not very long at all!!! I'm feeling really unprepared right now, but my shower is just weeks away and I know I will feel better after that. I'm VERY excited to see everyone that hasn't seen me pregnant, or has seen me but not THIS pregnant!! One of my really good friends had her shower on Sunday and it was SOOO much fun to watch her open presents and to see all the cute things she got!

I'm starting to notice uncomfortable spots and positions with my body. I've also noticed the last few days I seem to be much more tired at the end of the day, but Baby Maxwell has been EXTREMELY active for the last 2 days, to the point where people are watching my belly jiggle around because he or she won't stop moving!

Everyone (especially Eric) seems to be getting more and more protective of me and watching me like hawks to make sure I'm not doing anything I shouldn't!
That's all for now, more after my next Doctor's appointment next week!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

26 weeks!

So here is the most recent picture! I was a little more than 26 weeks! Finally got my computer to work!! YAY!!! Baby has been VERY active lately!!!! As of today we have 83 days until my due date (which really means nothing!) but its something to count down too!!!!