Ignore the random order in which I write all of these things, writing as it comes to me!
Where do I start?
My baby is almost 14 months old. She is such an easy baby and has been from day 1. We are so lucky.
So much has happened, yet nothing has really changed.
My father has prostate cancer, been thru radiation and is doing amazing.
My grandfather has cancer, been thru chemo and is not doing so great, more treatments to come.
We bought a new home, we bought a new car, we love our baby, we try to make time for ourselves.
We try to spend as much time with our friends and family as we can, which isn't easy.
I work part-time, which was a huge step for me after being a SAHM for 10 months. I wish I hadn't and yet I am glad I did. It is good for Kenz to spend time on the farm, with her grammy and her uncle. It is also good for me to have adult time. Work is actually a break for me.
Eric is... Eric, my rock, works, races his ATV (and he's good, and I'm not just saying that cause I'm his wife). He loves and hates his job all in the same day.
Every day we are finding what works for us as a family but as long as we are together we are happy. Thats sounds so corny and not me, but its true. Our favorite time is time together. It doesn't happen often enough with everything going on in our lives.
Our favorite things this summer were hiking, enjoying the beautiful weather and NOT having to move! Oh wait... we had to move, it really wasn't that bad but interfered with a lot of plans and led to general disorganization.
Oh, me, you ask? I'm just me, I love being a Mom, worry everytime if I am doing some eternal damage to my daughter but she is a funny, opinionated, smart little girl. I wish there were more hours in the day to see and do everything I want to do. I wish summer was longer so we could do everything on our summer bucket list. That being said we did a lot more this summer than we did last summer ( can we say,labor & delivery, newborn, breastfeeding every 2 hours on the dot, and lack of sleep?!).
That is all for now, my brain hurts. Going to nap while the baby naps (oh you think thats only for Mom's with newborns? HA!).
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