We are also washing everything in cold water to save money on heating hot water and therefore propane.
I am going make my own laundry detergent, but not use it immediately because we have an almost brand new bottle of detergent. The "recipe" I found online for laundry detergent calls for:
- 1 bar of laundry soap (Fels Naptha, Zote or Ivory)
- 1 box Borax
- 1 box of washing soda
- Essential oil of your choice, I'm gonna try peppermint and lavender (not together).
Once you have all of these items, you mix together:
- 1 cup of soap
- 1/2 cup washing soda
- 1/2 cup of borax
- Few drops of essential oil
Cost breakdown looks like this:
Soap $1.09 a bar (3 cups shaved),
Borax $4.19 for a 4 lbs box,
Washing soda 55 oz $3.59
I don't have any essential oil (though I have ordered some), but I am thinking that I will not use it, this stuff smells yummy just the way it is. We found all of these items in our local grocery store, I was planning on buying them from Amazon but it was MUCH more expensive on there than at the local store, shame shame Amazon!
The finished product?
I'm sure that I was supposed to put it in the food processor and blend it up, but I got out the food processor and it didn't work, so this will have to do. I tried it out on one load of laundry last night and it seems to work great! Clothes are clean and smell good too.
I am doing these things in hopes of saving money, saving wear and tear on clothes (hence saving even more money!). I found this neat website that has formulas for costs of electricity. If you run your dryer approximately 4 hours per day (this is probably a bit overkill in our case but nonetheless) it saves you $192 a year. That doesn't sound like a lot but I am 26, lets say I do laundry until I'm 80 (we can only hope) that's 54 years. $192 for 54 years is a total savings of $10368, that is CRAZY, do you know what you can do with $10000 over the course of your lifetime? Many many things, starting with a college fund for Kenzie!
We use a dry wooden rack for a bunch of our clothes and I love it! I actually need to buy another one because laundry day can get a little packed on one rack!
Mrs. Monologues
I actually am looking at a second one on Amazon now, clothes get put everywhere on laundry day! Thanks for the comment!
Hi! Great post. I've been using the same recipe for about 2 years now, and we love it. Don't hesitate to use just about any soap you want. We can't use ivory due to allergies, and when I couldn't get felsnaptha one day, I tried Irish Spring. My hubby loved it. It's his favorite soap, and I knew that nobody was allergic to it. So, depending on my mood, I mix it up and use both felsnaptha and some Irish Spring.
I also make my own fabric softener with hair conditioner, vinegar, and water. There is a recipe online somewhere, but I just take a whole bottle of conditioner (v05 or whatever is cheap), 2 cups of white vinegar, and the rest water to fill up the bottle.
I have a couple of drying racks, especially since we have to cloth diaper and I need to let a lot of the air dry as well. Don't hesitate to stick those racks out in the sun too during the spring if you don't get your line up. :) Works awesome!
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