So here is the jogging stroller we got today that my Mom and Uncle Jim bought! Absolutely love it! Can't wait to use it, even though my hubby says they are "boy" colors (which I don't agree with!!!). He thinks the blue is boy, its not blue, its definetly more teal which I'm not sure you can tell in the picture! It is a very cool stroller, which is going to get lots of use between me, my mother in law and everyone else!

Here is babies crib (minus mattress) that Eric and our friend Scott put together today! I love it, its adorable!!!! If nothing else at least the baby will have diapers and a place to sleep! ;-)

And here is my 16 week photo shoot! LOL! Yes I am four months pregnant, not sure where the time went!!! We had a check up on Friday and got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, that is so cool!!!!! We also got to schedule the ultrasound, we will have that on February 15th!! Cross your fingers everyone that the Dr. will be able to tell us WHAT our little bundle of joy is!!!! If not, oh well, plan for some insanity on my part! Shopping for gender neutral clothes is not easy!!!