So I have totally been slacking on my blog but here are some updated pictures to start with:

So here I am on my 25th birthday and 6 months and 3 days pregnant!!! Yeah that's right I am a quarter of a century old!! Crazy!! At my age for my Mom and Eric's we were both 2, and Eric's mom had Evan on the way!

This is my birthday present from my hubby!! A rocker for the nursery!!! Such a good guy!

My everchanging belly button! (Just for you Sami!!)

So this picture is actually at 23 weeks or something like that and I'm pretty sure I look bigger here than in the other one!!! Oh well!
So we made it thru our birthing classes, they were actually a lot of fun, and a very much needed confidence boost for me. I also started prenatal yoga with my friend Jen last week. Eric's cousin Emmi teaches the classes (who just had a baby like 2 1/2 weeks ag) and she is amazing! I was worried about the yoga being too much (even being prenatal) but it was awesome and I hope to use some of the skills I'm learning in actual labor! I'm realizing how "out of tune" I am with my body!
That's all for the moment, baby is hungry! Time to eat!