This blog had actually got me thinking about it before. Allison is extremely down to earth and her kids are adorable too! It really helped me think of ways to get started and what
Moving on, I also looked meal planning(which we have successfully done before and I love it), couponing (which I don't have a good handle on yet), etc. Meal planning isn't easy for us, 99% of the time I don't start cooking until Eric has actually walked IN the door. It never seems to fail if I start cooking before he is home, he calls to say he is going to be late. Yes he works *that* kind of job. Its annoying but I've come to terms with it. So I would say at least 1-2 nights a week he is late so we keep frozen foods or boxed meals on hand for these nights, because they are quick and easy, and give us more time together as a family. Anyway I love meal planning, I love knowing what we are cooking so we have everything on hand and not playing the game every day where we talk about what we are going to eat for an
So what I would like to do with my blog is share these things with you, what we are doing to save money, the recipes for meals as well as cleaning supplies, my fails (because I will have many!) with trying all of these new things and how we get to where we want to be financially! Which is debt free! Isn't that what everyone wants?!
So to sum it up the things we are going to be doing and trying to do are:
- Meal planning
- Sticking to a (strict) budget
- Making our own cleaning supplies
- Making our own food we would normally buy (yogurt, possibly pasta, etc)
- Looking at where we shop - what we can buy with coupons vs whats on sale vs dollar store, etc
- Stopping the impulse buys. Me=GUILTY
- Looking at need vs want
I know how you feel with the whole blogging thing! I also feel un-interesting but I do it mostly for myself I guess. I don't really do anything to get myself 'out there'. Those are awesome ideas and topics to blog about, I love meal planning and would love to see how you do it!!
Thanks Jenna, that's the next post I want to do but I can't seem to get myself motivated to do it! Hopefully soon!
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